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First time i read Emma Goldman was when i was 25, when i saw those words it was like some one had ripped them from inside me. It read " Anarchism stands for liberation of human mind and the dominion of religion. Liberation of the human body from the dominion of property. Liberation from shackles and the restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals."
The concept is pure, simple, true. It inspired me. Lit a rebellious fire. Most human beings only think they want freedom. In truth, they yearn for the bondage of social order, rigid laws, materialism. The only freedom man really wants is the freedom to be comfortable. My freedom is the saddle seat of my motorcycle. Before leaving for lansdowne people asked me why im thumping solo and had no answer and if you ask me even now,.. i cant think of any.
My mom bit worried bout travelling solo kept on insisting on taking someone along , i love riding my bike so its all okay, isnt it? My favourite is the empty straight road, i love being alone on my bike, it gives me time to think and on the indian highway with nothing on your sides till the horizon and empty straight road ahead, the rising sun sets the mood. Bertha roared throughout the plains of UP and in no time we were at Kotdwar. At kotdwar i stopped over at a local shack where i had my breakfast. The adults were found chatting over a matter of who had bought maximum number of fire crackers the prev night. The road to lansdown is marvelous maintained by army but the real beauty lies in pine trees which accompany you. For a biker why does one needs to ride solo or how does it feels to go nomad cannot be discussed in a smoke filled bar with people gulping cans of beer one after the other. A bikers ultimate salvation from such urban fish markets is when he rides, such experience cannot be put into some words.

Lansdowne is set amidst tall oaks and blue pines. The forests are unique in their own way, dark and deep. There are amazing mountain views of the Western Himalayas from a number of vantage pints like Snow View and Tiffin Top.It has the famous Garhwal Rifles of the Indian Army command office, due to which its still unspoilt. The land laws are pretty strict, there are few hotels.

Igot to stay at tip'n'top of gmvn which is at the highest peak of the valley, moreover its bit cut off from main lansdowne and its market and has got a kick ass view of snow claded western himalayas. I read, i sketched, i listened and i chilled. The place has got a british era church, its got a lake and few things more. I dont smoke ciggs, i generally dont, however i puffed few and it didnt felt that bad. The night was damm cold the people outside were .., i chatted with some.. usual talks hey where r u from ... me! i do this what u do ... crap who is that ass hole with that lady ... ya the place is good and ya ive come all the way on a bike... oh u also had enfield once and now u own a santro.. u are a regular visitor and want to go to ladakh hmmmm .. okay.. blah blah and the final nail was, can i ride your bike with my wife... aaa sure man why not first thing tommorow morning ( when im off to tarkeshwar). The guy smirked at his wife with expression straight from Sir Clint Eastwood. Wake up early and you could witness the golden sunrise. The far flunged snow claded range glitters as the first rays shatter the darkness and reflect back onto your face. one can relish the presence of all the colors nature has to offer. the dark greens turning towards blue and blues in tangles with yellows to form purple and finaly to orange and then to red, the reds again hasting towards the blue skies.

Tarkeshwar was the place, i found what i was looking for. The amazing thing bout the place is that its cut in the shape of bowl and the rim is a perfect circle, as if some space ship would have landed, the locals have their own story though. In the center of this bowl is a lake with small shiv temple which is surrounded by dense pine vegetation. The place has got a ashram for few who want to stay and meditate. but for all my hep and hippie friends the guy to look forward to is Shankar bhai, he has his own way of making one happy. Shankar bhai is the owner of puja samagri shop. He keeps the real prashad.

So now i was at a height and was bout to start my decsent and going down on a motorcycle with Nine inch nails would have been murderouse so i choose Zac brown band which melowed me down all through the hills. i got back to delhi with few more stories like that of my bike breakdown at najibabad (suprisingly RE had a workshop there which had opened up like 3 months back) and cops in gaziabad for the first time to my knowledge armed with speed guns(probaly they were out due to obama visiting delhi). Of all the crap written trust me on one thing, never be on the meerut delhi highway after 5pm. I had to crawl at 20kmph all the way till delhi border.


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