THE FIFTH HEAD OF BRAHMA Often sucked into reading what people term as mythology, i read about this fascinating story of a fifth head of Brahma ( creator ). Human race has been giving form to the formless since ages, its ironical that something like ego which only resides in human beings has not been given its due share. We eat, preach, dream, repeat and still havent built temples for it. Ego resides in the darkest of our recesses and still colors our universe with thousands of hues against nothingness. Without Ego, epics like Mahabharat and Iliad would never have been written. The greatest epics in human history couldn't been such a treat without the existence of ego. We have come across personalities ravaging civilisations, killing thousands and destroying some of the best works of art and literature and we have also come across those masquerading philanthropists trying to get their names in the books. The more the crystalised, bigger the sack of ego. The more diffuse...