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Showing posts from January, 2010

Two Idiots and Bikes

With high aspirations of visiting tawang and reaching shilong for a concert of Mr. Big in arunachal pradesh we packed up our bags and ended up totaly in a land quit opposite. The title "Two idiots on bikes" is flawlessly perfect and in due course of this blog ill prove it to you ( and no the title has not been inspired by some hindi movie) . By the way the second idiot here is Mr. Ghosh, he a successful entrepreneur and a rockstar whose band goes by the name of outro, he runs a very successful music and dance school with branches all over delhi, alongside he has got his recording studio and has an appetite to manage a event company. After this trip ghosh was filled up with a notion of becoming a adventure tour operator. Over all he is a great guy with electrifying temperament. ...