Through the dusky window pane of continuously screeching and speeding rajdhani i got to see the lushes of greens and reds intermingling and playing together with blue above them in its most purest and cosmic avatar, with whose grace i got to visit this piece of land which people call gods own country. With small hillocks flickered here and there inflicted with monstrous coconut growth which seem to be in there own trance, rhythmic but offcource. In between some where one can see pure white colored huts with reddish brown thatched roofs, they shine like golden corns as sunlight falls on them from up above where lies a clear blue sky from foreground till infinity. So we traveled with arabian sea on our side playing hide and seek. Trivandrummm.mmm ..its a paradise for people who take pride with waist line above 34" ( mine is not above 34 but im sure ill get there). The city buzzez with activity right from 5 am with people all bathed up and dressed, ready to start their new d...